The Mental Wellness Center - Normal IL Therapists

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Beginning Counseling Services in Central Illinois

There’s a variety of stimuli that bring someone to the point where they are thinking about beginning counseling services in Central Illinois. Those stimuli can show up on a fairly large continuum of needs and look different for different people. Some common issues that we see when people are looking for services in Central Illinois include: depression, anxiety, adjusting or adapting to a significant change, behavioral issues, attention concerns, sleep problems, relationship difficulties, sexuality, relationships, friendships, low self-esteem, low self-worth, guilt, and shame. This is by no means an exhaustive list but it’s a place to start.

When you are beginning counseling services in Central Illinois the process can be a bit overwhelming. Sometimes it seems like there are 15 different therapists on each and every corner. The noise of attempting to pick a good match can be inundating and monotonous. So how do you find a good match for you?

Here are some of our recommendations: 

  1. Insurance Verification:  One of the prerequisites for finding a good therapist, in my opinion, do they confirm your insurance benefits prior to your initial session. Keep in mind, that I’m aware that with some insurance companies the best you can hope for is to give you an estimate. However, providing the estimate is crucial to prevent you from being blindsided when you receive the bill for therapy. Another consideration is do they post their prices on their website? I’m not a fan of hiding the prices of services I either offer or receive. In fact, I’ve walked away from several businesses because they won’t place their prices publicly. 

  2. Check References:  Whether it’s viewing reviews on google or asking friends for word of mouth recommendations it’s important to ask other people’s experiences. Keeping in mind that everyone’s experiences will be slightly different, it’s important to know if the provider you are considering when beginning counseling services in Central Illinois is trustworthy or not. Check out google, look on social media, and make sure that you ask your friends. 

  3. Do Your Research: A quick google search of your potential therapist when your beginning counseling services in Central Illinois will be very beneficial for you. Check and see if your potential therapist has written any blogs, done any facebook lives, or has done anything so that you can get a feel for their style or expertise. Another good place to look is at their website and see what types of services they offer.

If you are at the place where you are beginning counseling services in Central Illinois I want to congratulate you. While I understand that it’s not a wonderful and thrilling place to be in, you are in a great position to start making some significant changes. 

At the Mental Wellness Center, we have a variety of therapists to meet your needs. To learn more about our providers please go here: