The Mental Wellness Center - Normal IL Therapists

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Thriving in Central Illinois

Things are really stressful in Central Illinois currently. It's difficult to ascertain where you are supposed to wear a mask currently when you're supposed to socially distance, what rules are being enforced where, and who is enforcing what. It often feels like there are different rules being enforced in different places with different people, and all of these changes can amp up people's anxieties and create a lot of chaos.

I have spoken to friends, clients, colleagues, and contacts on social media. The one common theme that I am seeing over and over again is a sense of burnout. Part of it is due to the talk of COVID, the political debates, the hateful speech between humans, and just an overall lack of compassion for human care. The last few weeks an overwhelming theme we've seen on social media is the question of how to begin to thrive again. Which is what sparked this blog for us. We want to provide you with ideas and concepts of how to get back to thriving.

Whether you wear a mask, whether you get out and vote, whether you socially distance, or even if you hug a tree we want you to know how to promote your mental health and mental well-being. we want to teach you how to take your mental well-being and thrive with it. Unfortunately, we have witnessed people's Mental Health decline during 2020, and we can no longer sit by and witness this any longer. Therefore, moving forward we will advocate for your mental wellness and well-being.

In this blog, we will include tips and tools that hopefully everyone will have access to. We will try to make this as accessible to everyone regardless of income or socioeconomic status as possible. The following are our tips to begin to thrive no matter where you are in life. It’s also important to remember that this is not a once and done type thing. This is something you will have to keep putting effort into every day. You will need to keep checking in on these activities. Don’t just do this and walk away this will be a daily maintenance type activity.

Below is a list of activities to move you into thriving mode:

  1. Hydration: Make sure you are drinking enough water to hydrate your body. When we drink enough water it allows us to think more clearly. It also helps us to manage our anxiety. It helps increase blood flow and increase oxygen to your brain. There are so many important things that water does, and we often overlook its validity. 

  2. Gratitude: Even if you feel like the world around you absolutely sucks… You can still create things to be grateful for. Even if it’s just being able to breath, being able to see, and being able to talk. Dr. Daniel Amen talks about how when people write down three gratefuls a day, within three weeks that they have a substantially better quality of life. I don’t think that’s too much work for that big of improvement. 

  3. Laughter: Create reasons to laugh. Laughter is such a healing experience. You’ve heard the phrase, “laughter is the best medicine.” where do you think that comes from? Watch some babies laughing on youtube? Watch some comedies, watch something that you know will make you do some deep belly laughs. Not only is laughter healing is contagious. We need more of it in our world, especially today.

  4. Self-hypnosis: Self-hypnosis is a great way to take control of your mind. Self hypnosis gives you the tools to change the way your mind thinks and allows you to program your mind with the thoughts and beliefs you want to have rather than the thoughts and beliefs that the world has programmed you with. 

  5. Create a Support Circle: We weren’t created to do this alone. Who’s in your support circle? We all need support! Make sure your support system is strong and supported. And it’s important that they know that they are valued. A valued support system isn’t one we just call on once a year, or when a crisis hits. It’s a group of people we regularly interact with. It’s our people. They really know us! If you don’t have one, develop one.

These are just some of the suggestions for how to begin to thrive with everything going on in the world. Maybe you have other suggestions. We’d love to hear some of yours. Feel free to leave them below this on our Facebook page

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