Healing Perfectionism In Central Illinois
Often times we hear people normalizing perfectionism as if it’s an average and normal part of life. At The Mental Wellness Center, we want you to know that it’s possible to heal perfectionism in Central Illinois. We are working with people to do this each and every day. Perfectionism is often described as a disposition to regard anything short of perfection as unacceptable.
While we are working with our clients on healing perfectionism in Central Illinois, we often begin with what perfectionism shows up as. I think it’s important to know where perfectionism is showing up in your life and what it looks like. These are the common symptoms of perfectionism:
You have difficulty not being the best
If you can’t do it perfectly, then you don’t or won’t do it at all
You will sacrifice your own well being to make something perfect
You are highly critical of your own mistakes
You frequently obsess about past mistakes
People describe you as a “people pleaser”
You struggle to emotionally connect with people
You need to be in control
You frequently have all or nothing thinking
You typically have unrealistic standards
You have a significant fear of failure
You engage in procrastination
You live with low self-esteem
For many people, these symptoms have just become a normal part of life. However, at The Mental Wellness Center, we don’t want you to settle for anything less than a life that is extraordinary! Which is why we are focused on healing perfectionism in Central Illinois. There’s no reason why you should be stuck living with perfectionism for the rest of your life. It is absolutely possible to heal from perfectionism. I’m going to give you some tips and tools to begin the journey for healing perfectionism in Central Illinois.
The following are ways in which to begin healing perfectionism in Central Illinois:
Identify the fear: One of the driving forces for perfection for many people is oftentimes fear. Often times the fear is not being good enough, having done something wrong, or fear of stepping out of line somehow. It’s important to recognize that our minds run on a belief system that is designed to keep us safe which is not always consistent with keeping us happy.
Change Your Internal Chatter: If you are working on healing your perfectionism, you need to make sure that your internal chatter supports that. What does your internal chatter sound like? Is it supportive? Does it encourage you? Is it cheering you on? Or is it destructive? Is it tearing you down? As we are working on healing perfectionism in Central Illinois we always talk about changing your internal chatter. At The Mental Wellness Center, we talk about how to change your internal chatter and how to challenge that internal chatter.
Self-Love: When working to heal perfectionism in Central Illinois, at The Mental Wellness Center we typically always add a component of self-love. We believe it’s one of the foundational pieces that are crucial to address healing perfectionism. When you have a foundation of love it colors everything just a bit differently. When you are operating from a place of self-love you begin operating from a place of compassion. It shapes everything you think, say, or do and every interaction you have.
If you are ready to begin healing perfectionism in Central Illinois, take a few minutes and check out some of our providers. You can read a bit about our providers here: https://www.thementalwellnesscenter.com/providers
If you would like to set up an appointment with one of our therapists please call to set up an appointment at 309-807-5077 or email us at info@TheMentalWellnessCenter.com. We look forward to helping you begin the journey to guiding you in healing perfectionism in central Illinois.