Relationship Intensive at Mental Wellness Center Inc

Are you and your partner struggling with communication breakdowns, trust issues, or unresolved conflicts? Our Couples Intensive Therapy in Normal, IL, is designed to help couples make significant progress quickly. Whether you're in crisis or simply want to invest in your relationship, this immersive therapy offers a focused approach to navigating challenges and rebuilding your connection.

Who Should Consider a Relationship Intensive?

● High-conflict couples need immediate communication strategies.

● Partners are dealing with betrayal and seeking to rebuild trust after infidelity.

● Couples in crisis who are committed to strengthening their relationship.

What Makes Our Couples Intensive Unique?

Our personalized sessions are tailored to your relationship's needs, providing uninterrupted time for significant breakthroughs. In just a day or two, you can achieve what might take months in traditional therapy.

What to Expect:

● Comprehensive Gottman Assessment: Uncover your relationship's strengths and areas for improvement.

● Customized Treatment Plan: Tailored to address your unique challenges and goals.

● Practical Tools and Strategies: Learn effective communication techniques, trust-building exercises, and ways to strengthen your emotional bond.

● Renewed Hope: Gain a deeper understanding of each other for long-term relationship health.


Couples Intensive Options:

● 1-Day Intensive: $1250 Includes Gottman Assessment and one 6-hour session, offering a quick start to your healing journey.

● 2-Day Intensive: $2425 Includes Gottman Assessment, two 6-hour sessions, and a take-home workbook, ideal for deeper exploration and lasting solutions.

Why Choose Us?

Invest dedicated time into your relationship with our Couples Intensive Therapy and experience faster, more meaningful results than traditional weekly sessions. Break through barriers and build a stronger, more resilient partnership.

Sample INTENSIVE Relationship Schedule

***Before the session, clients will complete our Intake Paperwork and the Gottman Relationship Checkup

Day 1 (Assessment & Support Phase):

  • 9:00 – 10:30 AM (Assessment Phase): Gottman Oral History Interview, encompassing current relationship challenges and strengths, the history of the relationship, family of origin influences on communication challenges and strengths, and current therapy goals.

  • 10:30 - 12:00 PM (Assessment Phase): Individual Sessions (45 minutes each) allow for a more profound exploration of family-of-origin influences and provide space for each person to freely express their perspectives on the relationship.

  • 12:00 – 1:00 pm PM Lunch Break

  • 1:00 - 2:00 – (Assessment Phase): Discussion of Gottman Connect Assessment Results, providing an overview of the Sound Relationship House and highlighting growth areas and strengths in the relationship based on the assessment.

  • 2:00 – 4:00 PM (Support Phase): Potential Supportive Actions (based on your goals and the assessment results): Addressing Conflict Challenges (e.g., Reflecting on a Regrettable Incident, Exploring Dreams within Conflict, Navigating Perpetual Problems, Identifying Negative Cycles/Patterns) & Enhancing Friendship Dynamics (e.g., Exploring Love Maps, Sharing Fondness & Admiration).

Day 2 (Continued Support Phase & Plan for Maintenance/Continued Progress): Cover support actions from Day 1 that weren’t completed or delve more deeply into those actions and underlying attachment fears and needs. Address any topics and issues that weren’t covered on Day #1. Establish maintenance/continued progress plans, including a schedule for ongoing sessions or check-in sessions.

Take the First Step to a Happier Relationship - Try Couples Intensives at The Mental Wellness Center Inc!