Introduction to Victoria Shirkey, LCPC, ALMFT

I have a bit of a confession to make, Victoria has been with us since March of 2020! She’s like a ray of sunshine in every interaction with her. If you have had the privilege of interacting with her you already know what I am referencing. However, it’s clear there’s been a delay in getting this blog into the world. I assure you it’s only because we were using her light to warm us up for a bit. Are you ready to learn more about Victoria?

The following is my interview with Victoria. I have no doubt that you will enjoy it just as much as I did. She’s an absolute joy to interact with. Let’s get started, shall we?

Jenn: Victoria one of the first questions people reading this blog typically want to know is where you got your Master’s degree and what it’s in. Will you share those details with us, please?

Victoria Shirkey: Of course! I received A Master's in Human Development Counseling at the University of Illinois at Springfield.

Jenn: Oh, that sounds like it’s a very thorough program. Victoria Shirkey, what are your official licenses? 

Victoria Shirkey: I actually have two clinical licenses. I’m a Licensed Clinical Practical Counselor (which most people will see as LCPC) and ALMFT. That means I have an Associate Marriage & Family Therapist licensure as well.

Jenn: Wow! That’s really impressive. Victoria, here’s a question so many people ask, why did you choose to work at The Mental Wellness Center, Inc.

Victoria Shirkey: It was an easy yes for me after the interview process. It felt like an opened door/ answered prayer which allowed me to serve in the community I felt led to be in. There is flexibility here to grow both professionally and personally, which I value.

Jenn: We are so glad you are here with us! Okay, Victoria that leads me to one of my favorite questions, what is your favorite thing about working at The Mental Wellness Center:

Victoria Shirkey: I really thrive on the flexibility that allows me to have a good work/life balance. I value that flexibility so deeply.

Jenn: That is exactly one of our core values! I’m so glad you value that. Okay, Victoria Shirkey, many people want to know what exactly made you want to become a therapist. Can you tell us about that, please?

Victoria Shirkey: I witness the heartbreaking struggles that families would experience. I desperately longed to be a part of the solution. Being a therapist allows me to not only be a part of the solution but create lasting changes for generations to come.

Jenn: One of the things I absolutely value about you is your commitment to helping someone get better. It’s so inspiring, honestly. Victoria who are the people that you thrive on seeing:

Victoria Shirkey: That’s an easy one for me! I absolutely enjoy working with teens and kiddos. Working with children and adolescents and helping them through their struggles just fuels me through so many things.

Jenn: Victoria Shirkey, LCPC, ALMFT what are the core issues that you really just love working with? What are the issues that when you see it come across your desk it excites you?

Victoria Shirkey: That’s an easy answer for me. Attachment, trauma, and anxiety. 

Jenn: I just want our readers to know, in case they haven’t experienced working with Victoria that she really has grown her clinical skills in so many areas. It’s such an honor to be able to watch her grow. Victoria, what sets you apart from other therapists in the world?

Victoria Shirkey: I connect well with difficult kiddos/teens and I’m playful and easy-going. I look for and capitalize on the little wins!

Jenn: Having watched you interact with your little humans, I would definitely agree with these answers. Victoria what is it about working with people that you love?

Victoria Shirkey: I just love doing work that feels like it matters. I love getting to be there for and supporting people on their journey. 

Jenn: Victoria, I can’t think of a better person to be on this journey with some of our clients. I know they are all so glad you are there with them!  Victoria please tell me what modalities you typically use in your work with clients:

Victoria Shirkey: I really enjoy using Theraplay, CBT, Play Therapy, and Talk Therapy. 

Jenn: Okay, Victoria here’s a question we get all the time when clients are attempting to schedule with a new provider. How do you best connect with your clients?

Victoria Shirkey: By taking the time to learn the things that make them special and unique. I talk with my clients about their favorite music, where they want to travel, games they like to play, etc. I try to remember the little things, etc. I really use one of my greatest skill sets which are to help each person I meet with to feel seen and heard.

Jenn: Victoria I want you to know that from my understanding, everyone you interact with feels very seen and heard. Our last question is about your self-care. As you know we are a practice that is nearly obsessed with our self-care.  Victoria, will you tell us your favorite self-care techniques?

Victoria Shirkey: My favorite self-care is dance or workout classes. To decompress, I like to sit in a low-lit room and listen to music. 

Jenn: Victoria, thank you so much for doing this interview with me! Is there anything else you would like me to know? 

Victoria Shirkey: Yes, if someone wants to schedule an appointment with me, they can call the office at 309-807-5077 or email the office at

I hope you all enjoyed reading this interview with Victoria Shirkey, LCPC, ALMFT as much as I enjoyed ready it. Victoria is such an amazing and warm person, and she’s a very skilled clinician. Check out her bio to learn more about her.


Hi, I'm Jenn, and I offer a compassionate space for those navigating trauma or higher levels of dissociation. Here, you'll meet my Service Dog, Griffin, and experience a dedicated therapeutic environment. As a therapist deeply attuned to complex trauma, I guide and empower you through your healing journey, blending clinical expertise with empathy. My practice is a collaborative partnership, fostering growth and resilience in a safe, nurturing haven. With a foundation in clinical social work, I integrate evidence-based and holistic approaches, ensuring each client feels genuinely seen and heard. Let's embark together on a transformative journey of self-discovery and healing.


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